Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 347-7774

Tips From a Tree Service Provider

The Right Way to Care for Your Trees

Trees are not only beautiful to look at, but they also provide a wealth of benefits. They produce oxygen, filter pollutants from the air we breathe, and can even reduce noise levels. Proper tree care is essential for maintaining the health of these invaluable natural resources. With the help of an excellent tree service, you can ensure that your trees stay healthy and thrive for years to come. Here are a few tips on caring for your trees the right way:


Trees need regular watering throughout the year, especially during hot and dry periods. Water deeply and slowly so that it can penetrate into the soil rather than just run off. Pay attention to how much water your trees need based on their species and size, as some require more water than others.


Regular pruning plays an important role in maintaining the health of your trees. Regularly remove dead, diseased, or weak branches to keep them strong and healthy. When pruning, make sure to use the correct tools for the job to ensure that you don’t damage the tree.


Mulching helps trees absorb moisture, retain heat, and protect the soil from harsh weather conditions. It also helps to reduce competition with weeds for nutrients and water. Ensure that your mulch is organic in nature and spread it evenly around your trees without letting it pile up against the bark.


Fertilizing your trees is important for providing them with the essential nutrients they need to grow and stay healthy. Use a balanced fertilizer designed for trees, and make sure to follow the directions on how much to use. Don’t overfertilize as it can damage the roots and lead to fatal diseases.

These are just a few simple steps to help you care for your trees the right way. Proper tree care is essential for maintaining their health, so remember to water regularly, prune as needed, mulch correctly, and fertilize properly. To get the best tree service in Overland Park, KS, Angel Tree Service is your best choice. Call (913) 347-7774 now today.

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